News Briefs

New Library Billing

The library has discontinued its manual billing system for overdue books and is now using CARS, the computerized Campus Accounts Receivables System.

Replacement bills for library books now will include a non-refundable $10 processing charge. Also, if bills are not paid on time, a late fee will be assessed monthly by the Loans and Receivables Office.

To make it easier to keep track of materials checked out of the library, patrons are encouraged to use the self-renewal and inventory features available on GLADIS.

For information on the new billing policy, check with the circulation supervisors at library branches. For information about CARS billing statements, call 642-2868.

Management Award

The Berkeley Staff Assembly is accepting nominations for its 1995-96 Excellence in Management Awards Program. Nominations are being solicited from all staff and will be accepted through March 15.

This year's emphasis is a commitment "to maintain a healthy environment." Managers and supervisors who encourage and promote health and safety in the workplace will be recognized.

For further information, contact Debbie Richerson at 642-4994 or by email at

Much Ado About Trash

A lively new show written, produced and performed by educator-actors from the Lawrence Hall of Science is bringing the three R's for the 90s--reduce, reuse, recycle--to Alameda County students.

With laughs, songs and a teacher who disappears under a load of garbage, "Much Ado About Trash" is touring the schools, bringing kids information about what they can do to help the environment.

The show includes such skits as "The Trash Is Right," in which students are invited to ponder the question, "Paper or plastic?"

The show is funded by a two-year grant from the Alameda County Recycling Board and is free for the county's students. It also is available for a fee outside the county. Call 642-5134 for more information.

Exchange Program

With support from William V. Power of the Class of 1930, the Center for Latin American Studies is offering funding for academic exchanges between Berkeley and education/research institutions in Latin America. The program is open to Berkeley faculty who want to travel to Latin America, including the Caribbean basin, or who wish to bring a collaborator to Berkeley. There is no deadline for submission; proposals will be accepted on an on-going basis. For more information, call 642-2088.

Child Care Openings

UC Child Care Services has several openings in its toddler center for children of faculty, staff and students. The openings are for children ages 27 to 42 months. Applications may be picked up at the center's office, 2537 Haste St., or call 642-1827.


Copyright 1996, The Regents of the University of California.
Produced and maintained by the Office of Public Affairs at UC Berkeley.
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