New Personnel Policies To Be Effective Aug. 1

The new personnel policies for staff members, which were developed under the Human Resource Management Initiatives (HRMI), will become effective at Berkeley Aug. 1, 1996, rather than July 1.

Director of Human Resources Alice Gregory announced the change, which was made because the final policies were received from the Office of the President on June 27. The vice chancellors wish to review these policies along with the Berkeley campus policies and procedures, so the implementation date was delayed to allow time for that review and for the transition.

Office of the President has posted the new personnel policies on its World Wide Web site,

Berkeley campus policies and procedures will be posted as soon as possible on the Personnel Office gopher and the Human Resources World Wide Web site, which will be in operation early this month.


Copyright 1996, The Regents of the University of California.
Produced and maintained by the Office of Public Affairs at UC Berkeley.
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