1-Minute Berkeleyan Launched

Subscribe to New Electronic Publication Promising Campus News in 60 Seconds Flat

 Be the first on your block to subscribe to Berkeleyan's new spin-off publication, the "1-Minute Berkeleyan." Delivered to email accounts every Wednesday, the new electronic publication touts quick, accurate campus news that one can skim at a glance. Reading the 1-Minute Berkeleyan will cost only 60 seconds of your time each week, Berkeleyan editors promise.

Subscribers to the 1-Minute Berkeleyan will also receive announcements from the campus Public Information Office.

To subscribe, send email to maiser@pa.urel.berkeley.edu and leave the subject line blank. In the body of the message, type this:

subscribe berkeleyan

For help, call 642-7741 or email berkeleyan@ pio.urel.berkeley.edu.


Copyright 1996, The Regents of the University of California.
Produced and maintained by the Office of Public Affairs at UC Berkeley.
Comments? E-mail berkeleyan@pa.urel.berkeley.edu.