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Avian Assemblage

posted October 14, 1998

A copper-wire version of a black-faced spoonbill frames Harrison Fraker, dean of the College of Environmental Design, at a "mass migration" of the endangered bird to the lawn outside Wurster Hall on Tuesday, Oct. 6.

Fraker and four other judges reviewed close to 140 spoonbill models made by undergraduates in professor Randy Hester's "Introduction to Environmental Design."

Student Aja Bulla-Richards' wire model was a runner-up for "most accurate and expressive spoonbill gestures." Timothy Sloat's spoonbill (in front of Fraker) is caught in an oil slick and mounted inside a suitcase. It won first prize for "most easy to transport to Taiwan."

The event was part of an international effort to protect a Taiwanese lagoon critical to the bird's survival.


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