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Remembering Bay Area’s Bridge-Building Bonanza

New State Law Requires Union Fee Payment

Asian Scholar Reflects On Fifty Years at Berkeley

Taking a Global Look at Math Development

An Ancient Fish that Went Its Own Way

School of Education Lends Expertise to Set up Seattle Career Academies

Building a Bridge Over America’s Racial Divide

‘Rice Women’ Dance and Music Piece Faces East

Cyber Exhibit Explores Perceptions of Time and Identity

Forum to Examine Proposed Community Service Requirements

Publications: Management Practices in Dietetics

Minor Planet Named After Major Campus Star

Open Enrollment for Benefits

Staff Air Concerns Over Salaries, Bonuses and Aging Infrastructure in Chat with Chancellor

Local Governments Lag in Preparing for “The Big One” Along Hayward Fault

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Management Practices in Dietetics

By Nancy R. Hudson
Professor of Nutrition Science
Dietetics Program Director

This practical and innovative book describes how managers in the dietetics field, as in other professions, apply universal management concepts and techniques, deal with human resource issues and face technological change. A textbook and resource for dietetics managers, it includes individual and group activities for applying management principles to real-life cases, a glossary, and useful references and Web addresses.

Wadsworth Publishers
510 pages



November 3 - 9, 1999 (Volume 28, Number 13)
Copyright 1999, The Regents of the University of California.
Produced and maintained by the
Office of Public Affairs at UC Berkeley.
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