

How race is lived in America

New York Times journalists reflect on the making of a series

 01 NOVEMBER 00 | Budget allocations for the 2000-2001 fiscal year are complete, with permanent state support for the Berkeley campus increased by more than 4 percent, Chancellor Berdahl announced.

"The Berkeley campus is making real progress in advancing the priorities that renew our foundations of excellence," Berdahl said in announcing his budget report to campus.

Permanent state support increased by $38.04 million, with $19.1 million earmarked specifically for staff and faculty salary and benefit improvements. State general funds provide approximately 35 percent of the campus's operating budget.

New funding available to the campus from all revenue sources permitted the university to fund $31.1 million in the budget increases requested by academic and administrative departments, exclusive of state increases for salary and benefits. This represents $4 million more than last year. The majority of these allocations, more than $23.1 million, are temporary, one-time commitments. Approximately $7.9 million in allocations are for permanent funding.

The allocations are closely tied to campus priorities. The priorities are:

• Sustain academic and faculty pre-eminence so that intellectual and scholarly leadership can flourish.

• Protect and enhance the research environment so that we continue to carry out research that addresses society's most pressing issues and problems.

• Advance student learning by integrating benefits of technology, curriculum innovation, interdisciplinary collaboration, and research opportunities.

• Support an inclusive campus community by enhancing access and opportunity for students, faculty and staff, and creating a safe, humane, caring place.

• Improve organizational effectiveness across campus by streamlining processes, providing needed professional development, and striving for continual improvement.

"Our priorities require that we address a number of pressing concerns," the chancellor said. "This year's allocations reflect this and enable us to renew both our physical and human capital.

"First, it has become increasingly clear that staff workloads on this campus are often not manageable, that retention and recruitment of quality staff is an issue, and that compensation is, in many cases, not adequate. This year's budget allocations begin to correct these serious problems."

The chancellor also reported that with increased funding, the Library's collections continue to grow, amid positive reviews from faculty and students. He also noted that seismic projects are on track.


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