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Daniel L. McFadden wins Nobel Prize in Economics

Daniel McFadden at press conference

Daniel L. McFadden, recipient of the 2000 Nobel Prize in economics, talks at a press conference held Oct. 11 at UC Berkeley.

Nobel Week 2000:
Press conference coverage:
videos | slide show | story

On Oct. 11, 2000, UC Berkeley's Daniel L. McFadden, the E. Morris Cox Professor of Economics in the College of Letters & Science, and director of the Econometrics Laboratory, was awarded the Bank of Sweden Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel. McFadden, 63, will share the award with James J. Heckman of the University of Chicago.

"In the field of microeconometrics, each of the laureates has developed theory and methods that are widely used in the statistical analysis of individual and household behavior, within economics as well as other social sciences," reads the Nobel announcement. McFadden was cited for his "development of theory and methods for analyzing discrete choice."

Special Nobel Coverage:

View video footage and photos from Nobel Week 2000
(all links are to the official Nobel web site):

A fashion innocent abroad: Armed with spreadsheet, black velvet dress, staffer heads for Stockholm

Rep. Lee gives McFadden gets high praise on Capital Hill

11 Oct 2000 Press Conference Coverage:

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UC Berkeley economist Daniel McFadden receives this year's Nobel Prize in economics (press release)

Campus honors McFadden at reception

Praise from McFadden's colleagues

Campus reaction

McFadden receives this year's Nobel Prize in economics (Berkeleyan, 18 Oct.)

And the class goes on (Berkeleyan, 18 Oct.)

Related Links:

McFadden's web page

Honors & Awards Held by Faculty

Note to the media: Print-quality photos are available for download through our Slide Show or through our Image Downloads page.