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Institute for Bioengineering, Biotechnology and Quantitative Biomedical Research (QB3)

UC Berkeley: A Key Partner in the New Institute for Bioengineering, Biotechnology and Quantitative Biomedical Research
07 Dec 2000

Scientists at the University of California, Berkeley, a world leader in the fields of chemistry, engineering, physics, computer science, mathematics and biological sciences, have long realized that the physical sciences are increasingly vital to the advancement of biomedical studies. The collaborative approach embodied in the Institute for Bioengineering, Biotechnology and Quantitative Biomedical Research complements the goals of UC Berkeley's ambitious $500 million Health Sciences Initiative, announced last year. The initiative seeks to expand the boundaries of teaching and research in the health sciences.

Educational Opportunities

Education has been a fundamental component of UC Berkeley's mission since its founding in 1868. The new institute will provide undergraduate and graduate students with unrivaled opportunities to combine studies in the physical sciences with an education in molecular, structural and cell biology. One such opportunity already exists through the new bioengineering department, a two-campus department with UC San Francisco. It will prepare students as leaders in California's biotech industry and provide researchers who can apply mathematics and engineering solutions to health-related challenges.

Research Facilities

To house institute researchers and equipment, UC Berkeley plans to replace an aging science building with a state-of-the-art facility designed specifically to promote collaboration among scientists and scholars from many disciplines. With laboratory space for 41 principal investigators and their research staffs, the building will contain numerous conference rooms, shared computer rooms and communal space devoted to promoting the exchange of ideas. A vibration-free basement will contain modern equipment, including a 900 megahertz nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) machine, one of the most powerful in the nation, for studying the structure and function of proteins. Proposed educational facilities include an auditorium, classrooms and a distance learning center.

Through UC Berkeley's close relationship with the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, institute researchers will have access to unique resources such as the laboratory's Advanced Light Source for studying the structure of protein molecules.



UC Berkeley scientists bring promising research to new California bioscience institute

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