Gazette 11/30/94

Campus Memos

Memoranda mailed to deans, directors, department chairs, and administrative officers issued on the chancellor's mailing lists. For copies, contact originating offices.

Nov. 1: 1994-95 Holiday Energy Curtailment, from Leroy Bean, acting vice chancellor--business and administrative services.

Nov. 11: Call for Nominations: Management Skills Assessment Program, from Leroy Bean, acting vice chancellor--business and administrative services.

Nov. 11: Christmas Tree Safety, from Leroy Bean, acting vice chancellor--business and administrative services.

Nov. 15: Regents' and Chancellor's Scholarship Interviews, from Carol Christ, vice chancellor and provost.

Nov. 15: Improvements to Processing of Research Gifts, from Joseph Cerny, vice chancellor--research, and C. D. Mote Jr., vice chancellor--university relations.

Nov. 29: Revisions and Additions to Final Campus Recharge Rates, from Leroy Bean, acting vice chancellor--business and administrative services.

Around Cal photo caption:

Frosh Seminar Goes Behind the Scenes at Haas Construction Site

One of the 50 freshman seminars offered this semester is a combination architecture/civil engineering course exploring the relationship of the two professions by examining campus buildings. Above, Laura Demsetz, assistant professor of civil engineering, and Cassandra Adams, assistant professor of architecture, take the class on a hard-hat tour of the 200,000-square-foot Haas School of Business construction site. It was an eye-opener. (Peg Skorpinski photo)

Awards and Honors

The Academic Senate has selected computer science professor Manuel Blum and history professor emeritus Gene Brucker to present 1994-95 Faculty Research Lectures. Appointment as one of the lecturers is the highest honor the Academic Senate awards its members. The lecturers are chosen to recognize distinction in scholarly research.

Blum works in theoretical computer science, particularly the fields of computational complexity, cryptographic protocols, and program result checking.

Brucker's field is the Italian Renaissance.

The Academic Senate also recognizes the late Paul Naghdi of mechanical engineering with the 1994-95 honor. Naghdi, whose work illuminated the fundamentals of continuum mechanics, was selected for the lectureship late last spring, just weeks before his death.

An honorary edition of the International Journal of Impact Engineering has been published in recognition of Werner Goldsmith, professor emeritus of mechanical engineering, for his 70th birthday. A copy was presented to him at the 12th US National Congress of Applied Mechanics in Seattle. The special issue includes papers by several of his former students.

Hi-Voltage Splicing Company, a minority electrical contractor, was nominated by the campus Business Affirmative Action Committee and Physical Plant Superintendent Ron Kiriaze for the National Small Business Contractor of the Year Award. The nomination emphasized the company's timely response and reliable service. As a result, Hi-Voltage Splicing received the National Small Business Administration Adminis- trator's Award for Excellence, presented in Washington, DC.

On Dec. 4, the School of Optometry will officially dedicate its Lions Club International Foundation Clinical Research Center and recognize the achievements of alumnus Arthur Jampolsky, '40.

The center's work is directed towards the prevention, diagnosis, management, and rehabilitation of patients experiencing visual impairments and sight-threatening conditions. Earlier this month, the school received a $4 million grant to study contact lens treatment of kerataconus. The study, involving 13 clinical centers across the country, will be chaired by Karla Zadnik.

Jampolsky, founder and co-executive director of the Smith-Kettlewell Eye Research Institute, will receive the $100,000 Humanitarian Award--the highest honor presented by the International Lions Club--for his research on blinding disorders.

C. D. Mote Jr., vice chancellor--university relations and holder of the FANUC Chair in Mechanical Systems, received the Charles Russ Richards Memorial Award of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers at the society's International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition.

The award is presented to an engineer who demonstrates outstanding achievement in mechanical engineering in 20 years or more since graduation.

Mote's current work looks at mechanisms of mechanical and aerodynamic instability and their control.

Kirby Moulton, Cooperative Extension Specialist in the Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, has been reappointed to the Agricultural Technical Advisory Commitee (ATAC) by Secretary of Agriculture Mike Espy and Special Trade Representative Michael Kantor. He was first appointed in 1990 and is the only academic member named to the committee.

Moulton was named to ATAC for his work on competition and trade affecting California's horticultural industry. ATAC provides private sector advice to the administration and Congress on trade negotiations and administration of US trade policy.


Theodore Broyer, professor emeritus of plant physiology in the former Department of Soils and Plant Nutrition and plant physiologist in the Agricultural Experiment Station, died Oct. 23 in Walnut Crrek at the age of 90.

Broyer received his BS degree in chemistry from Berkeley in 1927, when he joined the Division of Plant Nutrition. He became a professor in 1962, serving UC for 47 years.

Broyer's research on mineral nutrition led to the discovery that the element chlorine is essential for the growth of higher plants--a milestone in the field of plant nutrition.

Staff Enrichment

Employee Development And Training

For more information, for copies of the 1994-95 Employee Development and Training catalog, or for information on how to enroll in classes, call 642-8134.

Manager as Career Coach: Developing Staff to Their Full Potential

Dec. 7 and 14, 8:30 am-noon, Room 24, University Hall

This workshop offers training, support, resources, and hands-on career coaching experience for managers on campus.

Financial Controls/Quantitative Analysis

Note change of dates: Dec. 8, 1-4 pm, second session TBA, University Hall, Room 24

Using examples of university budget and financial data, participants will learn how to identify key data, how to determine their meaning, and how to present data effectively. Techniques taught will include trend analysis, historical comparisons, forecasting, and cost/benefit analysis.

Facilitation Techniques

Dec. 13 and 15, 8:30 am-4:30 pm, Room 24, University Hall

This workshop combines group discussion, lecture, and skills practice on how to increase participant involvement and learning. Participants will have the opportunity to facilitate a videotaped group discussion and receive feedback on their strengths and skills as facilitators.

Management Skills Assesment Program Deadline Is Jan. 6

If you are supervisor or manager at the AA III level or above who may have potential for mid-level management, or if you are in higher-level non-management positions with group facilitation and/or group leader roles, you are invited to apply to the Management Skills Assessment Program (MSAP) offered March 7-10, 1995. Deadline for applying is Jan. 6.

MSAP is a system-wide management development program designed to provide participants with an assessment of their management-related skills, an agenda for future career development, and help in competing successfully for management positions. The program brings together experienced managers from eight UC campuses and laboratories to work with aspiring or less-experienced managers in an intensive, four-day residential program. This year it will be held at Vallombrosa Center in Menlo Park.

For applications and brochures, call Employee Development and Training at 642-8134. For more information, contact Ellie Schindel- man at 642-0559, ext. 2.


Copyright 1994, The Regents of the University of California.
Produced and maintained by the Office of Public Affairs at UC Berkeley.
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