Around Cal

Berkeley Magazine, Fall 1998


· William Griffiths, 85, professor emeritus in the School of Public Health and influential in developing public health and family planning programs worldwide, died March 22.

· Jonas A. Barish, 76, English professor emeritus and one of the world's leading scholars of Shakespeare, English drama, Ben Jonson and "antitheatrical prejudice," died April 1.

· William Jeans Brandt, 80, professor emeritus of rhetoric and co-founder of the Bay Area Writing Project, died April 27.

· T.J. (Jack) Kent, professor emeritus in the City and Regional Planning department and the department's founder and former chair, died April 26.

· Yakov Malkiel, 83, professor emeritus of linguistics and romance philology and founder of the international journal "Romance Philology," died April 24.

· Earl Randall Parker, 85, professor emeritus of Materials Science & Mineral Engineering and a National Medal of Science recipient, died May 9.

· Reinhardt M. Rosenberg, 85, professor emeritus of applied mechanics in the Department of Mechanical Engineering and a recipient of the Guggenheim Fellowship, died July 25.

· Charles Woodson, 63, associate professor of education whose academic interests focused on the interface between people and computers and the process of studying, died August 4 in a plane crash.

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