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Steam shutdown on Tuesday will interrupt service for 16 hours

No hot water for east side of campus

| 13 July 2009

In order to connect new steam lines to existing ones, one of the main campus steam lines will be shut down on Tuesday, July 14, starting at 2 a.m. The affected feed provides steam to all campus buildings east of Dwinelle between Bancroft Way and Hearst Ave. Some buildings will be completely without steam for the 16 hours, while others will experience only a drop in steam pressure. A list of affected buildings is below.

The steam shutdown will affect hot water, autoclaves and some kitchen equipment as well as heating. We apologize for any inconvenience the shutdown causes; the project team is doing its best to minimize its duration. Steam distribution is expected to resume at 6 p.m. on July 14.

This shutdown is part of a project to upgrade the steam system on campus. The underground pipes near California and Durant Halls that provide steam date back to 1930 and are housed in a utilities tunnel below Campanile Way. The pipes are in need of repair, and the tunnel needs improvements so that those who provide utilities maintenance have a safer space in which to work.

During the shutdown on July 14, the project crews will install lines that allow for a temporary bypass of the high-pressure steam. This bypass will reduce the need for such an extensive shutdown later as crews complete this upgrade project. Construction to improve the tunnel and upgrade the steam lines is scheduled to continue through October 2009.

If you have any questions or concerns about the steam shutdown or project, please contact Christine Shaff, UC Berkeley Facilities Services, at 643-4793 or cshaff@berkeley.edu.

The following buildings will be entirely without steam service:
Bancroft Library
Barrows Hall
California Hall
Doe Library and Doe Annex (Bancroft Library)
Dwinelle Hall and Dwinelle Annex
Hearst Women’s Gym
Hildebrand: BL3 Autoclave
Sproul Hall
Wheeler Hall

The following buildings will be mostly without steam service:
2241 College
Anthony Hall
Berkeley Art Museum
Birge Hall
Boalt Hall
Bowles Hall
Campbell Hall
Faculty Club
Giaque Lab
Gilman Hall
Greek Theater
Haas School of Business – all buildings
Hargrove Music Library
Hearst Field Annex
Hertz Hall
Hildebrand Hall
International House
Kroeber Hall
Latimer Hall
LeConte Hall and Annex
Lewis Hall
Memorial Stadium
Minor Hall and Minor Addition
Morrison Hall
Moses Hall
OLAC 5th floor
Simon Hall
Stanley Hall
Stern Hall
Sutardja Dai Hall
Tan Hall
Women’s Faculty Club
Wurster Hall, including Ramona’s Cafe

The following buildings will see reduced pressure to their steam service:
Calvin Lab
Cory Hall
Davis Hall
Donner Lab
Etcheverry Hall
Evans Hall
Haviland Hall
Hearst Memorial Mining Building
Hesse Hall
McCone Hall
McLaughlin Hall
Moffitt Library
Naval Architecture Building
Northgate Hall
O’Brien Hall
Soda Hall
South Hall
Stephens Hall