NEWS RELEASE, 2/19/1999

Campus garden to remain at UC Berkeley's Oxford tract, administrators announced today

By Jesús Mena, Public Affairs

BERKELEY-- The University of California, Berkeley's Student Education Garden will not be moved from its current location on the campus's Oxford tract, university officials announced today (2/19/99).

Campus planning department officials initially had planned to move the garden to make room for an East Bay Municipal Water District (EBMUD) pumping station. The station is part of a major infrastructure project designed to bring emergency water supplies to the Berkeley Hills to combat devastating fires and provide a drinking water supply system capable of withstanding a major earthquake on the Hayward Fault.

After careful consideration of the concerns voiced by students - as well as the thoughts of officials from the campus administration, the water district and the city of Berkeley - campus officials are moving forward with a plan that would leave the garden intact.

Under the new plan, the garden would remain in its current location on Walnut and Virginia streets and the pumping station would be built on the northeast corner of the Oxford tract, according to Tom Lollini, UC Berkeley's director of physical and environmental planning.

The pumping station structure will cover an area of 60 by 170 feet with 90 percent of the structure underground. Lollini said campus officials intend to work with the water district, the city of Berkeley, and the community on the design and landscaping of the facility.

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