Memorial celebration for the late Glenn T. Seaborg scheduled for Mar. 27 at UC Berkeley

By Robert Sanders, Public Affairs

BERKELEY--The public is invited to participate in a celebration of the life of scientist Glenn T. Seaborg, Nobel laureate and acknowledged father of the nuclear age, who died on Feb. 25 at the age of 86.

The memorial event will take place on Saturday, March 27, beginning at 2 p.m., in Zellerbach Auditorium on the University of California, Berkeley, campus.

It will be preceded by a "circle of sharing" at which personal memories of Seaborg can be shared informally. The circle will assemble at noon in the Kerr Lounge of UC Berkeley's Martin Luther King Jr. Student Union.

Family, friends and colleagues will gather to reflect upon the contributions and achievements of Seaborg, whose illustrious career included tenures as UC Berkeley professor and chancellor, chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission and advisor to 10 U.S. presidents, national crusader for excellence in science education and internationally renowned nuclear chemist who discovered 10 atomic elements - among them plutonium - and more than 100 radioisotopes.

Representatives from the University of California, Ernest Orlando Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, the Lawrence Hall of Science and the old Atomic Energy Commission will be among those reminiscing about Seaborg's life and legacy.

The Seaborg family has requested that donations be sent to the Lawrence Hall of Science or to the College of Chemistry at UC Berkeley at the addresses below (checks made payable to the UC Regents).

College of Chemistry
Office of the Dean
University of California
Berkeley, CA 94720-1460
Attn: Jane Scheiber

Glenn T. Seaborg Endowment
Development Office
Lawrence Hall of Science # 5200
University of California
Berkeley, CA 94720-5200
Attn: Kim Robinson

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