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UC Berkeley Web Feature

Uphold the Big Game tradition of competition, loyalty and fun

Dear members and friends of the Berkeley and Stanford communities:

On November 22, 2003, the Cal Bears and Stanford Cardinal will play the 106th annual Big Game at Stanford Stadium. Big Game is a tradition-laden event, and our spirited rivalry has become one of the most storied in all of collegiate football.

We ask that you do your part in maintaining Big Game as an enjoyable experience for all. Unfortunately, some of the Big Games held in the past several years have been diminished by the behavior of a few people. Their actions have sullied this tradition, resulting in property damage and injuries. Such behavior is unfortunate and demeans the strong athletic and academic heritage Cal and Stanford share.

We ask that all members of our respective communities refrain from engaging in mean-spirited "pranks," excessive drinking and other activities that may draw law enforcement, security personnel and resources away from responding to more pressing matters. Please discourage it among others. Those attending the Big Game, who include families with small children and elderly alumni, should not have to fear for their safety. Let's instead again create a Big Game culture based on lively competition, team loyalty and fun.

Be assured that fans who engage in incidents of field trespass, physical assault and/or property damage will be ejected from the stadium. Students found responsible for these types of activities will face disciplinary action at their respective institutions; such action may include suspension or dismissal.

Please respect more than a century of Big Game tradition and celebrate your school spirit, pride and sportsmanship in a safe, positive and friendly manner. Enjoy the game!


Robert Berdahl
University of California, Berkeley

John Hennessy
Stanford University

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