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UC Berkeley Web Feature

New UC Berkeley chancellor to be appointed on Tuesday, July 27

23 July 2004

– The University of California Board of Regents today (7/23) announced plans to hold a telephone conference call on Tuesday, July 27, for the purpose of appointing a new chancellor for UC Berkeley.

Immediately following the meeting, at approximately 3:45 p.m., Chancellor Robert Berdahl with UC President Robert Dynes will introduce the candidate to the Berkeley campus on the steps of Doe Library. Faculty, staff, students, alumni and community members are invited to attend the introduction. A visit by UC Berkeley's Straw Hat Band and campus mascot, Oski, is expected as part of the brief event.

The special UC Regents' meeting will begin at 2:30 p.m. with a closed session for personnel matters followed by an open session including the opportunity for public comment.

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