Chancellor Rich Lyons heads the UC Berkeley campus.
Chancellor and Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost
Vice Chancellors
- Administration: Vice Chancellor Marc Fisher
- Equity & Inclusion: Interim Vice Chancellor Fabrizio Mejia
- Finance: Interim Vice Chancellor Daniel Feitelberg
- Research: Vice Chancellor Kathy Yelick
- Student Affairs: Vice Chancellor Stephen Sutton
- University Development and Alumni Relations: Interim Vice Chancellor Leslie Schibsted
Associate Chancellors
Vice Provosts
Deans and University Librarian
- Business, Walter A. Haas School of: Interim Dean Jenny Chatman
- Chemistry, College of: Douglas Clark
- Computing, Data, Science, and Society, College of: Jennifer Chayes
- Education, School of: Michelle D. Young
- Engineering, College of: Tsu-Jae King Liu
- Environmental Design, College of: Renee Chow
- Graduate Division: Lisa García Bedolla
- Information, School of: Eric Meyer
- Journalism, Graduate School of: Geeta Anand
- Law, School of: Erwin Chemerinsky
- Letters and Science, College of: Jennifer Johnson-Hanks
- Natural Resources, Rausser College of: David Ackerly
- Optometry & Vision Science, Herbert Wertheim School of: Sharon Bentley
- Public Health, School of: Michael Lu
- Public Policy, Richard & Rhoda Goldman School of: David C. Wilson
- Social Welfare, School of: Dean Susan Stone
- Extended Education: Richard Russo
- University Librarian: Suzanne Wones